1) The index.php file is a combination of HTML and PHP code.
ans: True
2) What is the default super administrator account for Joomla called?
ans: Administrator
3) Which of the following PHP directives are important to Joomla execution to define an alternate compression library if the standard library is not available?
ans: extension_dir
4) Which of the following files is archive and contains the actual CB component that you must install into Joomla while downloading CB?
ans : com_comprofiler
5) Which option will you choose to set the site metadata for the installed website?
ans: global configuration
6)What will happen if we set the SSL enabled option to On?
ans : This option will make the link from the menu begin with an https://
7) The core editor events apply to plug-ins that provide editor functionality such as TinyMCE or XStandard Lite.
ans: True
8) Which PHP file does the index.php file load to provide the menu bar to the administrator interface?
ans: Toolbar.php
9) Which of the given database systems is supported by Joomla?
ans: Mysql
10) Which of the following is the default editor of Joomla?
ans: TinyMCE
11) Joomla provides an abstracted method called getEscaped() that returns the escaped string regardless of the target database.
ans: False
12) From which package are the classes (i.e JSite, JAdministrator and JInstallation) which make up the Joomla CMS application extended?
ans: Installer
13) What is not true about JoomlaXplorer?
ans: None of the above
14) Which of the following is a system event?
ans: OnDisplay
15) Which Joomla file provides the central logic of the template, including any module and component display?
ans: Index.php
16) When will you use SMTP authentication mail settings?
ans: When you want to use an internal mail server